When it comes to Fryums Gokul Foods is the name to count upon. Manufacturer Exporter & Supplier by nature the company was established in 2015. Presently it has the monthly production capacity of 250 ton. With a sound processing unit in Junagadh Gujarat (India) the company produces fresh pure and qualitative variety of Fryums Snacks ranging from Plane Fryums Mix Fryums Animal Shaped Fryums Abcd Fryums Wheel Fryums and Moon Shaped Fryums.
Our team of processing personnel work sincerely and dedicatedly to produce a range that exceeds the expectations of the clients. An in-house warehousing department is store house of ingredients These fryums are of hard texture until it is not fried. Not only these after frying becomes soft but also expand 2-3 times its size. Taste aroma purity and shelf life are three major factors based on which these fryums are tested for its quality in quality control unit. The experts in packaging and logistic facilities are responsible for packing the fryums in food grade packing material and deliver the order in no time to the clients near or far.
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Junagadh, Gujarat